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Trojans secure win over Dyer County

Abby Borden Online Editor / Photographer

The varsity Trojan soccer team fought an easy match at Dyer County Thursday night against the Choctaws. At halftime, the Trojans were up 2-0 with Nick Medlin scoring the first point assisted by Zade Hunsley. Ryan Lowrance followed this goal, scoring with a header.

The Trojans finished the second half with three more goals, the first from Nick Medlin assisted by a corner kick from Jack Caldwell. Caldwell later threw in a ball that was kicked in by Elian Ganzales. Keeper Masen Autry blocked numerous goal attempts, virtually shutting out the Choctaw offense. After an ankle injury, Autry was removed from the game and freshman Noah Autry filled his spot. The final point of the match was a strong goal from Lowrance assisted by Grayson Carr with just 20 seconds remaining.

For a strong district win, the Trojans prevailed 5-1 at the end of the match. The Trojan soccer team will play again in a play day at Crockett on Saturday, April 15.


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