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Smart Mouth snags new lunch line

Anna Staggs


Smart Mouth Pizza has now become so popular amongst students that it is receiving its own lunch line.

On January 26, the school announced a third serving line. This lunch line will run through the east entrance hallway, and it will specifically serve Smart Mouth pizzas. The other two lines will be utilized for other entrees, snacks and sides. This new line was created to shorten lunch lines and minimize crowds in the lunch serving room.

“I’m very excited for the third line. I get pizza almost every day, and I usually have to wait a long time, so it will be nice to have a shorter line,” senior Rylee Baker said.

The third line will reduce traffic in the commons and give students enough time to enjoy eating their food and talking with friends.

“Some days I’m starving, and I hate waiting in the line for so long. I think the new line will be beneficial to all of us, especially those who go through the line every day,” junior Preston Smith said.

To the Smart Mouth-obsessed and lunch enthusiasts, this line can be seen as a treat to both.

Smart Mouth, Photo by Anna Staggs

Smart Mouth Pizza was introduced to the school last year and has since gained popularity amongst students. It’s quick grab-and-go quality allows student to efficiently get their food.

Students wait in line as much as half their lunch period and are given short amounts of time to eat and congregate.


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