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Does quarantine kill your grades?

Dylan Stewart

Section Editor

Quarantine is a term many students have become very familiar with. Whether it is you getting quarantined or someone around you, most people have become accustomed to this topic.

At first, quarantine sounds enjoyable to some students. Two weeks at home? Who would not want that?

In reality, quarantine is not as appealing as it seems. Although teachers are trying their best to ensure that students are able to learn virtually, it is hard not to fall behind, especially if you are taking rigorous courses.

“After my second time being quarantined I’ve learned that you basically just have to accept the fact that your grades will drop,” junior Jack Ladd said.

One problem is that you are not getting the same opportunity to learn from your teachers. Most teachers give you assignments and videos to watch, but that does not ensure students will put in the effort to learn. Some students simply do not do the work that they are required to and therefore places them behind when they come back to school. Students are left responsible for their learning more than they normally are while at school.

When sitting in class, you have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with your teacher or peers, but at home the only thing to do is try to figure it out or email the teachers of that class a question.

“Being quarantined makes it difficult to stay caught up on school work especially when the class moves on without you. I felt a little behind because my classmates had face-to-face contact with the teachers but I had virtual contact,” junior Blakely MacArthur said.

Another downfall of being quarantined is that students at home do not always get the same material as those at school. Some teachers give different assignments for those at home, and sometimes even less. This may sound like a good thing to receive less work, but that means students are not being exposed to all of the material that they are expected to understand.

Additionally, not all assignments given at school are available to those online, so students are left having to make up tests and other assignments when they come back to school. This sets them behind and causes them to have to play catch up while also learning new material.

Overall, quarantine can almost ruin a student’s grades and leaves some dreading the possibility of being sent home.


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