Kelly Morales - Reporter
This past Saturday, October 15, Dyersburg High School held an ACT workshop from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. The ACT workshop was taught by Dr. Ben Phillips from Jane Ross tutoring.
DHS and Jane Ross tutoring have been in a partnership for several years. The workshop on its own is priced at $195. However, DHS students pay $7 and the rest is covered by the district.
The course is meant to help students understand the ACT and how it is designed.
“I learned that English [sections] will always be either in past tense or present tense never in the future tense,” senior Justine Betonio said.
They also teach tips and tricks to help raise students’ ACT scores. “Who’s is a contraction and whose is possessive,” Betonio said when asked about tips and tricks she learned.
Actual retired ACT tests were used during the workshop. Senior Kara Harris said, “Dr. Phillips made the workshop fun and less of a lecture.” She had taken the course before and said that the first time her ACT score improved by 2 points.
Anyone can register for the classes that Jane Ross Tutoring offers by following this link: