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COVID-19 Vaccine: Debunked

Alveena Nadeem


  • The vaccine was rushed. No way it works.

The COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) has a twin: 18-year-old SARS1 (SARS-Cov-1). In 2002, a SARS1 outbreak pushed scientists to study the virus. They found that a protein on the virus sticks to human cells and makes people sick--a key point to creating a vaccine. Luckily, the COVID-19 virus has an extremely similar protein and attacks the same spot on human cells. Because scientists had this information and 18 years of research on SARS1, they were able to quickly and safely make the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • The vaccine will give me COVID-19.

About 65 percent of people who get the vaccine feel feverish, muscle aches, headaches, chills or other COVID-19-like symptoms for a day or two. This does not mean you have COVID-19. The vaccine does not even contain COVID-19! It only contains the protein part of the virus. The symptoms show that your body is responding to the vaccine. It is similar to how people feel a bit ill after the flu vaccine.

You are gaining immunity!

  • I already had COVID-19. I am immune.

COVID-19 is not like chicken pox; after you get COVID-19, you are immune for a maximum of around eight months. In fact, there have been possibly over 2,800 cases of COVID-19 reinfection so far! COVID-19 immunity is temporary.

  • Most people do not even get sick from COVID-19. I do not need the vaccine.

The first sentence is true. Almost half the people who tested positive for COVID-19 did not show any symptoms. That means that you might have COVID-19 and not even feel it. So why do you need the vaccine? Because you can easily spread it to someone who will show symptoms. Anyone can get sick or even die from it: it is not just the elderly or those with health conditions. So if you are not getting it for yourself, get it for your friends and family.

  • After the vaccine, I will not have to wear a mask.

The vaccine takes a couple weeks to kick in--scientists are not sure exactly how long. It is safest to continue social distancing and wearing a mask. Researchers also think it might be possible that--even after the vaccine--you can carry the virus and spread it without being sick.

Remember why you are getting the vaccine: yes, you are closer to partying, hanging out with friends and just continuing normal life. But you are also keeping others safe. Get the vaccine. Keep others safe. So when the time comes, we can party with grandmothers, those with health complications and everyone else.

Photo courtesy Insurance Journal

Despite concerns, the COVID-19 vaccine is safe to take.


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