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Athletic Adjustments

Cambry Hollingsworth

Section Editor

August 10, 2020, not only marked the beginning of a new school year, but it also marked the beginning of a new version of Dyersburg High School.

Due to COVID-19, in order to have school in session, the high school had to implement an A-B scheduling system. In this system, all students within the school were divided into 2 groups by their last names. Group A would physically attend school 3 days one week and 2 days the next. When Group A was not physically in attendance, 9Group B was. On “off days,” or days at home, the student was expected to work online similar to as if they were physically at school.

This schedule resulted in students working online during normal school days. Although this does not seem to present any issue, athletes who had practice at two or three in the afternoon found themselves in a bind with trying to complete all their assignments before practice.

What caused this affair seemed to be the amount of work each student was assigned from each of their teachers. Complaints from students described the amount of work being “equivalent to up to three days of work in the normal classroom.”

“When DHS was partially online, the teachers gave so much more work then we would have in a normal class period. The workload was excessive and sometimes took 3 or more hours for just one class,” junior cheerleader Edye-Bette Holden said.

For three weeks the warped schedule continued. On week four, Dyersburg High School decided the best course of action to continue academic learning while practicing COVID-19 safety precautions was to modify Phase 2, or the A-B schedule. In this modified phase, otherwise known as Phase 2.5, all students are to physically attend school while sitting six feet apart and wearing masks at all times other than when seated.

This has seemingly benefited student-athletes who were struggling to keep up with school work and practices.

“[the transitions have] definitely been more stressful but I feel I am managing my time efficiently,” Holden said.

Students and faculty have high hopes for the months to come. A common goal among DHS is for normalcy to return soon.

“Honestly,” junior baseball player Ty Wray said, “I hope all this COVID stuff will go away so we can have a baseball season this year.”


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