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Annual Honors Banquet highlights juniors and seniors

Ally Dormer - Reporter

On the evening of April 20, 2023, Dyersburg High School celebrated its juniors and seniors at the annual Honors Banquet. The night started at 6:30 with parents and students conversing and mingling in the atrium, and then proceeded to the dinner provided by the wonderful DHS cafeteria staff. After dinner, Seela Newbill introduced the 2023 Keystone Speaker, Mr. Mark Edwards. Edwards gave the students an inspirational speech about where they have come from and where they plan to go.

After Edwards spoke, the announcement of the junior honor roll was made, which included 32 students, and following was the junior golden honor roll, awarded to 28 students. After the junior awards, senior honor roll was presented to 25 students, and 20 students received senior golden honor. After the honor roll awards, the 19 members of the DHS 30+ Club were recognized and given an embroidered blanket as their reward.

Trojan scholars were recognized next, consisting of seniors Joshua Bernheisel, Caroline Buss, Grayson Carr, Livvie Copeland, Malyn Morgan, Jasmin Olvera, JoLee Rohrer, and Carrie Semmel. To conclude the night, senior Joshua Bernheisel was named the valedictorian of the 2023 graduating class.

A slideshow of all award recipients in grades 9-12 can be found on the school's Facebook page.


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